Thoughts On How To Solve the Problems Of The Gaza Conflict By Cheryl Freier, autjor of The Day Of the Hidden Truth Poems

Posted by cheryl - August 3rd, 2014

If there is one thing that this current conflict and situation in Gaza will show us, it is that if you live side-by-side with insurgents, then innocent people will be killed. The other lesson that we learn from the present Gaza confrontation is that the insurgents are there to fight, to take over whatever they can—people or property, arms, buildings, so that they can declare a victory for themselves and grow bigger as a fighting force.
The insurgents have twisted the concept of the word, truth. The concept of wrong is their guiding form of truth. And in this contemporary era of mass communication and more accurate weaponry, the insurgents bask in the blow and glow of media presentations; it heightens their hype about themselves and enlightens their visions of themselves when they look closely in their mirrors.
I feel sorry for the innocent people who have died and, of course, for the children who now have to view their world as a bloody one. It is a wrong start in life. I pray for a solution. I often think that part of the solution would be an influx of psychiatrists and neutral clergymen into the area. For an example of a country that has overcome its terrorists and is thriving in peace with truth in this modern world, you might wish to study how the Japanese transitioned from warlike insolence to peaceful community congeniality. Please note that it is said that a police officer lives on every street in Japan—-maybe this is the solution.
Cheryl Freier is the author of The Grayling Hidden Truth Poems and The Wild Grasses Hidden Truth Poems.




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