Have Hope for the Future By Cheryl Freier author of Echoes Resounding From The Past Hidden Truth Poems

Posted by cheryl - March 27th, 2015

“They searched the area for berries still left on the ranches of some of the bushes and spotted a small glacial lake basin. They were headed there–out to the lake for some fresh fish, some grayling fish or some trout fish or to eat some green plants close to the shore of the lake, when a loud blast interrupted their thoughts, shattering their hearing range for some minutes, and sent them scrambling for safety under the nearby bushes. This time, this noise–they all hard it, and the noise commanded their thoughts. They tried to find out exactly where the sound was coming from. They looked up at the sky, each young man beckoning the Supreme Omniscience Presence in the sky for some closure and solace, as they spotted a lone wolf-like winged figure protruding and descending out of a dark gray cirrus cloud in the sky–it was a long-winged airplane with hanging doors that had opened to unleash its man-made powers of destruction.


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