Posted by
cheryl -
June 25th, 2017
The Russians are boasting now publicly that they could have won WWII without the United States armies and military forces. Actual facts prove that the United States made the difference in winning the war. In Slovakia, it took the United States military forces and equipment, and the Russian armies, and the partisan forces to overcome the Nazis in Slovakia and to liberate the people in Slovakia. Read Cheryl Freier’s novels on a young family’s quest and journey to survive the war in Nazi Slovakia; her website is:; she is working on a seventh novel which is based upon the true-to-life story of the Freier family’s adventures and journey; the books can be purchased on, Barnes & Noble, from the publisher, Author House and ordered from your local library. Cheryl Freier, author/illustrator
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cheryl -
June 22nd, 2017
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cheryl -
June 22nd, 2017
There are other children’s books writers who have focused on an unknown Biblical story. I have written The Shepherd Boy And The Sheep alphabet and the shepherd boy is King David; in the storybooks Open Up The Gates of Jerusalem for the Queen of Sheba: this is the story of the Queen of Sheba and King Solomon; in the storybook: The Morning’s Glory: The Light: it is the story of a princely young boy and his friends the rabbit and the bird but the book is also about King Solomon. Biblical tales can come to life and can be a thrill for young children to read about! To find my storybooks, go to any librarian and order the books, try Author House Publishers, go online to Barnes & Noble and Amazon. Cheryl Freier
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Posted by
cheryl -
June 21st, 2017
Nazi artifacts that were recovered recently from Argentina depict the tragedy that happened in European countries during the Nazi scourge in Europe and in Slovakia during WWII. Read Cheryl Freier’s novels on a young family’s plight to survive the war in Slovakia and travel with them on their odyssey for survival. See the website for a selection of the books. One of the books is called Anna’s Christmas Hidden Truth Poems; another of the books is called Echoes Resounding from the Past Hidden Truth Poems. Contact Cheryl at or contact your local librarian for a book, or order from Barnes & Noble, Amazon, or Author House, the publisher. Cheryl
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Posted by
cheryl -
June 17th, 2017
View my website: and you will see a selection of six books written by me which tells Martin Freier’s story–what happened when he was a young boy in Nazi Slovakia. The books are written with fine details of happenings and demonstrate the introspection and thoughts of the characters. These books are poignantly powerful in their stark reality of how the family suffered, but ultimately survived this brutal war. Contact me please so that we can talk about what can be done to publicize these stories to a much larger population. Cheryl Freier
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Posted by
cheryl -
June 14th, 2017
The coming to terms with the reality that the Nazis had conquered their country is told by Cheryl Freier in the six novels that she wrote on her husband’s story when he was a young boy n Nazi Slovakia. The six novels are presented on her website: and she is working hard on a seventh novel. The first novel that she wrote was called The Grayling Hidden Truth Cheryl’s books can be obtained by ordering from a library, from Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and from the publisher’s website: Author House.
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A family's survival in WWII -
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Tags: the war in Slovakia
Posted by
cheryl -
June 13th, 2017
During World War II, a young family in Slovakia, the Freier family stood up to the challenge of surviving the Nazis. There were many escapes and they were all miracles. In the last year of the war, the family hid in a bunker that was built under the ground in the woods of the Tatra Mountains. One of the novels, Anna’s Christmas, is the story of how the family survived in the harsh winter of 1944 and about how they received the gift of food on the night before Christmas. All of the books are engaging, moving, and most powerful. All of the novels make excellent reading for young adult readers and for older adults as well. Author House sponsors the books, and you may find them also on Amazon, Barnes & Noble and you may order the books on author Cheryl Freier’s website:, or order from the local library. Cheryl Freier
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A family's survival in WWII -
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Tags: Anna's Christmas, Christian carolers singing in the woods
Posted by
cheryl -
June 12th, 2017
See website: for a selection of six books on the story of a young family that survived the Nazi scourge when the Nazis took over Slovakia. All living conditions changed drastically and immediately. There was no freedom and it became a game of chance to survive but it was necessary to try to survive. Those who strove to survive gave themselves a chance to survive and many of them did survive but they had harrowing stories to tell. Cheryl Freier, author/illustrator
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Tags: building a bunker underground to live in, eating the grayling fish, finding other foods to eat in the woods, stories of survival in Nazi Slovakia
Posted by
cheryl -
June 10th, 2017
On the three people who survived the Holocaust who lived close to each other in Caldwell, NJ and only discovered their connections to history after one of them published a book, it calls to mind the stories that my mother-in-law told me about her tragic ordeal in Nazi Slovakia. I have published six novels on the stories that she told me and am working on a seventh novel. See my website for the books: The stories should be told. The stories should be read. The stories should be made into films and broadcast throughout the world. the name of the first book is The Grayling Hidden Truth Poems and the list goes on and includes Anna’s Christmas Hidden Truth Poems. Check out the books on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Author House, my website, and check with your local library. Cheryl Freier, author and illustrator
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Posted by
cheryl -
June 10th, 2017
The grayling, an exceptionally beautiful fish in its own right has been removed from the endangered species in the United States. During WWII the fish spawned prolifically in the fresh water that it swam in. The grayling fish was the Freier family’s main source of food. This fish was easy to scoop out of the water with hands, but it fought hard for its life after it came out of the water and many times it had to be dropped back into the stream. The grayli
ng fish became the family’s symbol for survival. Cheryl Freier:
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A family's survival after WWII, sustenance for the family when they hid in the woods of Slovakia -
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Tags: grayling fish, survival in the woods of Slovakia