Feel The Rhythm Of The Words Resounding And Echoing Throughout The World

Posted by cheryl - September 6th, 2015

Feel The Rhythm Of The Words Resounding And Echoing In The Novel, The Grayling Hidden Truth Poems
….”It was very common to see: men going in alone, women going in alone, men and women walking as a couple, fathers and mothers holding their children by their hands—they all walked into the sanctuary, each with a hope of connecting with God in the spiritual as well as the worldly way. Even the smallest child seemed to understand that a feeling of warmth and love was in the air; and that this special spirit was undeniably part of G-d……”


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Every Day Was A Life-Threatening Challenge To The Freier Family In Nazi Slovakia

Posted by cheryl - September 4th, 2015

The Grayling Fish Was The Freier Family’s Symbol of Resistance Against The Nazis is Slovakia
Written in the book the Grayling Hidden Truth Poems is the powerful story of the day-to-day resistance and survival against the Nazis in Slovakia. It is a must read. www.thegraylinghiddentruthpoems.com.


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We Survived The War, But It Was Because Of The Help Of The Good Christian People

Posted by cheryl - September 1st, 2015

How The Freier Family Survived In The Woods of Micholovce During The Nazi Seize
My mother-in-law told me, “We were helped by good Christian people, otherwise we would not have survived”. Written on page 93 are the following words….”Joseph’s devoted friend, his foreman, had secretly carried the blankets and coats in a wagon late one evening. When the foreman’s horse would not go into the deep woods, he himself made a stretcher from wood and he put the coats and blankets on the top of it, and pulled it along until he came to the hideout…..”


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Would They Live Or Die In Auchwitz–This Was The Quiestion. Cheryl Freier wrote in the book about her husband, Martin Freier and his family

Posted by cheryl - August 30th, 2015

Joseph And His Family Knew That The End Was Near When They Were Crammed Into the Boxcar
On page 49, the reader is presented with Joseph Freier’s thoughts: “Joseph and his family had been put into one of the end cars, by chance; they stood in the middle of the car, holding each other’s hands and closing their eyes. They were convinced that this was the end for them. In the train were a few remaining members, close members of Joseph Freier’s family; but in this train there were over 32 members of Anna’s family, sisters, and their families, and her father. They all waited in anticipation for the sound of the wheels to start.


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Read The Grayling Hidden Truth Poems For A Fabulous Reading Experience Of How the Freier’s Found Goodness Even In Such A Bitter War

Posted by cheryl - August 27th, 2015

Treat Yourself to the Finest of Reading Experiences by Reading the Grayling Hidden Truth Poems
A monumental, powerful passage of words as was written on page 60 of the novel, The Grayling Hidden Truth Poems, “Sam went to open the door when the man called at him and speak loudly, ‘Please take some bread, and cookies, and some fresh pot cheese with our and remember that the ring will be waiting for you when you come back’. Sam shook his head up and down once, and looked at the man through the lens of a tear on the front of his eye, and said, “Thank you”. His heart pounded away—-beating to the tune of goodness. He was about to say, “If we make it back”, and he could not mutter any other words, as his face turned red and more tears began to flow. Not wanting the jeweler to see him crying, he turned and walked out the door.”


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Read Cheryl Freier’s Captivating Novel on the Holocaust, The Grayling Hidden Truth Poems

Posted by cheryl - August 26th, 2015

Fine tune your reading to include Cheryl Freier’s novels on the holocaust.
Cheryl Freier’s novels on the Holocaust are rich with feelings, and momentum, and reactions to the Nazi occupation of Slovakia. From page 123, it reads, “Anna swept her feet across the hardened ground, crying, as she said in a garbled, anxious voice, and she held out her hands, ‘come and have some hot coffee to the three men.’ All three nodded their heads in an upward motion, and they sat down with somber expressions on their faces at the wooden kitchen table”. Passage is taken from the novel, The Grayling Hidden Truth Poems. See the website: www.thegraylinghiddentruthpoems.com.


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Remember. Remember To Read The Grayling Hidden Truth Poems. Martin’s Story

Posted by cheryl - August 25th, 2015

From the novel, The Grayling Hidden Truth Poems, in Chapter 10 Escape To the Nearby Woods
Taken from page 51, “the door to the house was open. They walked in and Joseph closed the door behind them. Joseph said, “We shall sleep here tonight, but this is a terrible war, and the Nazis will be back with more vengeance, and we may not be as lucky the next time. Luck has a way of running out. Tomorrow we leave. We will live in the woods.” No one said a word. They all knew that Joseph was right. They knew that Joseph had saved their lives thus far”. See the website: www.thegraylinghiddentruthpoems.com.


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A passage of words denoting happening from th novel, The Grayling Hidden Truth Poems

Posted by cheryl - August 23rd, 2015

Portions of the text taken from The Grayling Hidden Truth Poems
From page 29 from Chapter 7 Joseph Working And Anna Delivering Babies
“Martin caught more colds than the other children. He was at home more. He helped his mother to cook. He helped is mother to clean the house. He helped his other gather and carry the groceries when she went to shop, even though all of the food was rationed. …..A voice of a young man shouted, “Help me. My wife needs a midwife”……….


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The Germans Were Coming But We Did Not Know When

Posted by cheryl - August 7th, 2015

Some powerful words from page 12 of the novel, The Grayling Hidden Truth Poems
From page 29 some powerful words that tell the story of Martin Freier as a young boy in Nazi Slovakia from the book, The Grayling Hidden Truth Poems.
“……One day went by. Two days passed by, and then a month, and then months; we were spared some of the initial strategic verve of conquering, because we lived near the Russian border and the Germans were not entrenched in the outskirts of our town yet. We waited for Henry to tell us that the Germans were coming every day…..”


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What Would You Have Done If You Were Faced With A War At Your Doorstep?

Posted by cheryl - August 2nd, 2015

What would you have done if you were faced with a war that brought soldiers to your doorstep to displace you from your home and business?
Read the book, The Grayling Hidden Truth Poems and answer the question what would you have done if you were caught in a war that was generated from the minds of psychopaths? See the website www.thegraylinghiddentruthpoems.com.


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