The Wonders of a Magical Place —-let us hope it exists during a war

Posted by cheryl - June 13th, 2022

Let the hoofs work their magic—the wild horses are coming closer and closer in th magical garden that Marek and his companions are passing through—straight from the text:

Marek told his companions to catch their breath and asked if they were ready to continue their journey to Micholovce where he said that he could continue his trek through the woods to bring food to a family who was hiding under the ground in a bunker in the woods.


Back t the Novel, The Messenger: Marek and the Four Others Have Discovered an Oasis in te Middle of the Forest

Posted by cheryl - June 2nd, 2022

ere we go with an exciting adventure f thrills and discovery.  Animals talk quietly to each other; animals all get along with each other;  is this only n this compound or not?  The answer us……..this is a very unique compound and when you read the chapter in the book you will have a new exciting experience.  Read the other stories and then read this novel.


Latest Development with Our New Novel

Posted by cheryl - May 24th, 2022

Follow me. Join me You are in for a series of wonderful reading experiences. Mind you the story about the war experience s ‘stretched’, but after 80 years of ending writer’s do have the license to stretch their imagination on what happened in the story. Ready: the messenger has come across two new people, a man his his young daughter and the group now numbers 4 and he himself makes five. They go to an enchanted forest which does by the way exist in Slovakia to this day. Follow me and when the book is published buy the book. It is a must. Cheryl Freier


Just a simple video to tell about me and to present another blog for this day

Posted by cheryl - May 12th, 2022

Today’s blog:
The Messenger, his name is Marek, has finished eating the fresh kernels of corn. So he tells the others that he wants them to go due East and the two, the man and the boy agree. They walk out of the cornfield single file. They see woods ahead of them and they head towards the woods. What will they find in the woods? That answer will be told in the next blog. Cheryl Freier


What Is The Messenger Doing now in the novel

Posted by cheryl - May 11th, 2022

The messenger is with a man and his son and they are still running from the area where they know the Nazis are hiding.  The run into a large corn field and they tear off corn from the plants, tear off the outside leaves on the plant and then sitting down on the ground they eat the kernels f the corn.  They savor the fresh, sweet taste of the corn and they are refreshed.  Cheryl Freier


There is no need for war and conquest by Cheryl Freier

Posted by cheryl - May 10th, 2022

The WWII scene was horrific no matter when one talks about what happened. My husband as a young boy became a survivor, but it was a miracle that he survived. The war now rages in Ukraine is equally wrong and bad There is no reason for the fighting and the bloodshed. Cheryl Freier


Writing about Today

Posted by cheryl - May 10th, 2022

Today no matter what I will take the time to write a page or more on the novel I have begun, The Messenger.  It is trilling and exciting story about a man who starts out to bring a family food who are hiding in the deep woods of Slovakia during the war.  He succeeds, but during his travels he comes across some obstacles.  But his luck and vision for his purpose do endure.  Cheryl Freier


Going Forward is a Positive Way to Approach Life

Posted by cheryl - May 10th, 2022

I am going forward.  Got a part-time job for 10 hours, and looking for another part-time job and in the meantime, I am completing 3 classes for the community health worker certification. But I am working on the next novel, the Messenger, who really did exist and help people in WWII.


What is new?

Posted by cheryl - May 10th, 2022

The Messenger is the title of a new book that I am wring to tell my husband’s stories of when he was a young boy in Nazi Slovakia. The messenger was real. The man really did exist and he did help people to survive during the war. I wonder if there are similar men or women during this recent war in the Ukraine?


I Cannot Forget Him Nor Do I Want to Forget by Cheryl Freier

Posted by cheryl - October 9th, 2021

It has been 15 years since my husband a survivor, and a most wonderful person has died.  I want to remember im and it can be in my books about his boyhood experiences during WWII in Slovakia.  Let Martin come back to life that way.   Read my books and keep them and help me to become a writer, a successful writer of his story.  I have just completed the preliminary outline for the plot of the book and I like the outline—-it is good.  Read my other books that are already written and you will see that that this new novel fits in.  Love you all and thank you for responding to my request.  Cheryl Freier


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